Applications of enzymes in detergent

Enzymes are widely used in laundry detergents to improve the cleaning performance by breaking down and removing stubborn stains and dirt from fabrics. The most common types of enzymes used in detergent formulations include proteases, amylases, lipases, and cellulases.

 1. Proteases: Proteases are enzymes that break down protein-based stains such as blood, grass, and food. They work by breaking down the long chains of amino acids that make up proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids, which are more water-soluble and easily removed from the fabric. Proteases are effective at low temperatures and work well in combination with other enzymes like amylase and lipase to remove a wide range of stains.

 2. Amylases: Amylases are enzymes that break down starch-based stains such as pasta, potatoes, and gravy. They work by breaking down the long chains of glucose molecules that make up starch into smaller, more soluble fragments. This makes them easier to rinse away in the wash. Amylases are particularly effective at low temperatures and can improve the whiteness and brightness of fabrics.

 3. Lipases: Lipases are enzymes that break down fat-based stains such as butter, oil, and grease. They work by breaking down the long chains of fatty acids that make up fats and oils into smaller, more soluble fragments. This makes them easier to wash away in the rinse cycle. Lipases are effective at low temperatures and can improve the overall cleaning power of the detergent.

 4. Cellulases: Cellulases are enzymes that break down cellulose-based fibers that make up fabrics such as cotton and denim. They work by breaking down the hydrogen bonds that hold the cellulose fibers together, which can help to remove pilling and fuzziness from fabrics. Cellulases also help to brighten colors and reduce graying caused by repeated washing.

 5. Mannanases: Mannanases are enzymes that break down mannan-based stains such as chocolate, coffee, and fruit juice. They work by breaking down the long chains of sugar molecules that make up mannans into smaller, more water-soluble fragments. This makes them easier to remove from fabrics in the wash.

 6. Enzyme blends that are custom-designed for use in laundry detergents. These enzyme blends combine multiple enzymes with complementary functions to enhance the cleaning performance of the detergent. Enzyme blends can address a wider range of stains and soils compared to using individual enzymes. By combining different types of enzymes, such as proteases, amylases, lipases, and mannanases, the blend can effectively remove stains of different nature.

 Enzymes can improve the cleaning performance of detergents by breaking down and removing a wide range of stains at low temperatures. They are also effective in reducing the environmental impact of laundry detergents by reducing the amount of energy and water needed for washing. Enzymes can be used alone or in combination with other enzymes to target specific types of stains and improve overall cleaning performance.

 Sunson’s detergent enzymes include individual enzymes that can be customized to develop specific detergents or be used for industrial purposes. Besides, Sunson also provides enzyme blends ready to mix into other ingredients to produce final detergent products.

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